a musing moment

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Test Your Knowledge of MLK

1. What city is the birthplace of Dr. King? (Bonus point for also naming the neighborhood.)
2. From what college did he receive his bachelor's degree in sociology? (Bonus points for naming where he received his Bachelor of Divinity or PhD in Systematic Theology.)
3. Which world leader successfully modelled the principles of nonviolent civil disobedience that Dr. King would learn and later employ? (Bonus point for naming this leader's country.)
4. What do all four of Dr. King's children have in common? (Bonus points for naming the one who visited Columbia, MO, two years ago and was the keynote speaker at the Columbia Values Diversity Breakfast. Hey -- you folks who live outside central Missouri, don't sweat this one...)

[Check back for answers tomorrow...]


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