a musing moment

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I'm a Billionaire

Here's a gem from Mike, the editor of my daily Bible reading blog:

...As I was jogging I thought to myself, "I am a billionaire!" Why? Because I am blessed with this opportunity to jog, and to check out the beautiful night air around me, and more than anything because of this wonderfully complex thing in my skull called the brain. The brain that allows me to do all these things and to simply think and enjoy life. And I thought to myself, "At what price would I give up the ability to use my brain? Would I sell my brain for 1 billion dollars?" The answer is obviously no -- because there would then be no point to living in this life without the brain. So, I reasoned with myself, well then, "I am a billionaire! I have a billion dollar asset in my skull!"

He goes on to suggest that his readers are billionaires too. I think I could take this line of thinking futher:

Would I sell my feet? Uh-uh. My hands? No way! A kidney? Nope -- might be asked to give one of them someday, but I wouldn't sell it, or any other organ or limb of mine for that matter. I would never choose to part with any of these -- not for a billion bucks! So add them up, and, as you can plainly see, I am a billionaire many times over! I have irreplaceable personal assets worth so much you can't even count that high.

Something about his putting things this way made me feel like King Tut. (Well, that's probably not a good analogy, since his "parts" are now mummified, but I think you knew what I meant.)

This is not a mind game. I'm really am that blessed. And I haven't even mentioned the relational or spiritual riches...

Thanks, Mike!


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