a musing moment

Thursday, December 15, 2005

My Indy Blog Buddy

I really didn't just wake up one morning and say to myself, "I think I'll start blogging today."

In November 2004, I was telling a friend about the kind of website I'd like to have some day. "What you're describing is a blog," she said. Shortly thereafter, I got an email containing three sites that host weblogs. (Thanks, Tena.)

But...despite her fine leads, I didn't actually do anything with them. I guess I just didn't "get" the whole blog thing. Then four weeks ago, a full year after that initial conversation, I attended a workshop at a conference in Indianapolis entitled "City Blogging" and got activated.

One of the two presenters at this workshop was a Mr. Neil Cox. While de-mystifying the blog thing, he looked like he was having more fun with a PC than anyone I'd seen in a while. His sheer glee in the creation of a brand new blog right before our very eyes won me over. [And the participants saw every thing that Neil had made, and, behold, it was very good. And from 1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Friday was the third workshop...]

Having observed the process step by step, I was convinced it was something that even this non-techie-50-something-stay-at-home-Mom could master. Two days after I got back home, I was out of the gate. However -- and you surely saw this coming -- I soon hit a snag. So I emailed Mr. Cox, my new Indy blog buddy, pleading for help. Galloping to my rescue at the speed of DSL, mouse in one hand and a bit of verrrry simple programming code in the other, he led me out of the thicket. After successfully completing the steps he outlined and viewing my own handiwork, I confess giddiness. In fact, it felt like I was breaking out in a case of geekbumps. (Sorry, couldn't help myself...)

Thank you, Mr. Neil Cox (scroll down to "U. B. Connectin' "), not only for solving my dilemma last week, but also for turning me on to this new medium. Your genuine enthusiasm and generous heart are causing a spike in blogal warming.


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