a musing moment

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Discover Your Environmental Footprint

Lately I'm rather perplexed by the hugley disproportionate amount of the earth's resources consumed by us Westerners, particularly here in the USA. We are shameless consumers with seemingly insatiable appetites. I wrestle with my conscience over wanting to get a "good deal" on products, yet these very products are often grown/manufactured by laborers who can't earn a liveable wage. I end up enjoying life's pleasures at their expense.

But what to do about it? The problem is big -- much bigger than me. It seems that one person's actions won't amount to a spit in a river. Would a decision to pass up discount store bargains really make that much of a difference? We'll revisit this theme of economic justice from time to time...

Meanwhile, if you're interested in discovering your personal global impact, here's a survey for you. You may fancy yourself a fairly "green" person, making some thoughtful environmental choices. Be prepared to be surprised. I was.


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